火曜日, 2月 28, 2006

Girl friends - 女友達


うちの父ちゃんの店、Donna Leeで思いっきり飲んで食べて。


  • 落ち着いているとよく言われるが、ふてぶてしく思われることもある。
  • 仕事をばりばりしそう(実際はできません)
  • 外国に居たような英語が話せそうな顔をしている                               (それはノーメイクでも行けそうな顔らしいがそれはない)
  • (前述したが)酒が強そう
  • コンパニオンにいそう(新入りだと気付かれなかった)
  • アフリカ似合う

だそう。                                                        う~ん、で、結局何なんだ?

I went out with my new friends from work tonight. I can't drink even a drop of alcohol, but people always think that I can drink like a fish...

It was really fun!
We ate and drunk a lot, at my father's bar.
I was feeling down today, but now am completely recharged!
There's obviously a balance of goods and bads in life.

Although this is not what I meant to write in this blog,
here are few things that I discovered about myself, or what people commented about me today.
  • Apparently I look calm, but sometimes it can be taken as being audacious.
  • Apparently I look like a career woman (not exactly true)
  • My face shows that I've lived abroad and can speak English (?????)
  • I look like I can take galons of alcohol.
  • I look like somone common in this job (party attendant, my current job)
  • It seems natural that I live in Africa.

I just don't know what to make out of these...

今日から-Day 1



あれよあれよとマイペースなH氏に巻き込まれながらも                             食後の名古屋コーヒーを飲みながらさていよいよ本題に。

一旦持って帰ってじっくり読んでもらい、次回質疑応答をすることに。                     3本の企画書は日本語に訳す時間がなかったので訳して欲しいとのこと。                 当たり前だすね。
まあここで切れずに次に繋げられたという点で今日は良しとしましょう。                   しかしこれから次まではきっと寝られない...

Day 1 as a blogger.
Let's see how long I can keep up...

I had a second meeting with the potential donor today.
The meeting was completely unexpected,                                  and I wasn't as ready as I wished.
But anyways, we met over lunch and                                   talked about everything but the project.

Then while having coffee afterwards, the time finally came.
Unfortunately, he forgot his glasses and couldn't read the documents!
He will read them at home and will give me feedback later on.
Oh yes, here comes my sleepless nights!